Delivery time 3-5 working days







We want to sell products that are stylish, practical, made from more environmentally friendly materials, and above all, have a long lifespan.

How we think about sustainable choices

We aim to minimize, and in some cases completely eliminate, the use of fossil-based, environmentally harmful, and health-hazardous materials. We seek to phase out materials like virgin plastic and paraffin, and instead, aim for ecological and recycled alternatives. Right now, we're not perfect, but we're working hard to continuously improve!

Certification & labeling

For us, good materials and content are crucial. We prioritize materials certified by reliable independent entities like FSC and Svanen for their credibility and quality.

Our labels

Locally produced

We want to sell more products made from recycled materials, locally manufactured with sustainable energy.

Upp upp upp!

Lagerhaus is the interior design chain with a twinkle in the eye and a heart in the right place. We offer a wide range of affordable and smart products for the home and the party. Interior details, storage products, glassware, crockery, gift bags, wrapping products, party items and much, much more - everything you need to create a happy place!